Thursday, July 12, 2012

Working From Home

Today, I am working from home. 

I have 2 conference calls, an inbox full of emails and a research project due by the end of the week.

I'm also doing all of the laundry, the dishes, cleaning the kitchen / bathroom and taking out the trash. 

I will shower (at some point) and do my hair.  And I hope to squeeze in both a walk on the boardwalk and a mani-pedi at some point this afternoon.

I will wear spandex and a comfy t-shirt.  And I'll be more productive than any single day I've spent in the office this week and any single Saturday morning I've attempted to get my life in order.

Working from home one day a week is a luxury I've been enjoying for the past 9 months.  I work on a small team of 3 people where my boss travels frequently and my new coworker (who joined 2 months ago) and I have a clear divide between our roles and responsibilities.  Most of my day is spent in front of the computer myself...which could really be done anywhere. 

URBN (like the previous employer I worked for) boasts that it is a place where employees can have a healthy work / life balance.  And while I would have to agree that this does actually hold true, there is still something to say about the importance of "face time" in the office...  Which is why I was a little nervous to have the conversation with my boss about a more flexible work schedule.

He, however, more than agreed that it would be no problem!  I could work from home one day a week (two when he was out on extended travel), the day TBD weekly depending on what meetings were on my calendar.  And its honestly a life savor - both for my work and my personal life.  I am happier, more productive, well rested and can enjoy my weeknights and weekends so much more knowing I have those 10 consecutive hours during the week that I cannot leave our house!  Oh, and it's been a nice thing for our commuting budget, as well.  :) 

I'm curious, how many of you have a flexible work schedule?  Do you love and appreciate it?  Or are you more unproductive when you're at home?

P.S. How come girls are better multi-taskers than guys?!  I can't imagine many men I know getting this much done in an entire week! Am I right?!

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